Wednesday 1 February 2023

superstition (khurafat), shirk and djinn


It has been long time since I last updated my blog.

Today ... 2.1.2023 ...suddenly want to write about khurafat, syirik and djin. please note  i could be wrong. I am not that well verse in religion.

However, I sincerely hope this writing can help people who need it.

This is the story ...

A friend of F asked a spiritual teacher to do remote scanning on F and was inform there's a djinn nest on the F body.

F friend claimed that the spiritual teacher is a Wali Allah (God's Guardian), and he is a warlord in the next realm.

Thus, the friend informed F to get treatment from the spiritual teacher. Not only that F was also informed that F got infected by the djin through F maid and F should also get treatment for the maid. 

F was shocked because the maid is a religious person and very kind. The maid has been with F for the past 16 years.

After some searching F discover that normal human being cannot see djinn, and nobody (human/djinn) know the unseen (Allah swt mention that in the Quran). 

When someone seemed possessed by djinn .. what actually happened is the djinn will stir our minds and create illusions.  The person saw images emitted from the patient's own head which is triggered by djinn.

As such, the so-called wali Allah is a scammer / djinn keeper / disturbed by djinn himself.

Note that there are people who collaborate with the djinn for a purpose. 

The fantasy triggered by djinn is lies and these lies is called khurafat in Islam. Djinn really likes to make superstitious stories on our minds. His main purpose is to make us commit shirk.

Djinn want us to believe he can harm us. When we believe djinn can harm us, we commit shirk because only Allah swt that can benefit / harm us.

In this particular case, the djinn creates lies (superstitious /khurafat stories) that there is djinn nest on the body of F and the djinn can harm F. If F believe the lies the djinn created and believe the djinn can harm F, F would have committed shirk which is major sin in Islam. In addition, the djinn also tries to create disharmony between F and the maid. 

A djinn is a creature who likes to tell lies, mislead and create disharmony.

Insha'Allah Allah swt will cure the so called seemingly possessed person once he/she understand what superstition is and shirk and the association between djinn, superstition and shirk. 

Note that I said seemingly possessed. It is because the possessed person is not actually possessed but mislead by the djinn (illusions triggered by the djinn).

Note: this is not religious teaching. I could be wrong. This is just my POV.  

Insha'Allah time i post story about tareqat. Tareqat is not to be attempted if you have not mastered aqeedah and feqah. The djinn / syaitoon that come to deceive is H.O.T (High Order Thinking Skill) level. 

QS Al-Jinn 72 :26-27

[He is] Knower of the unseen, and He does not disclose His [knowledge of the] unseen to anyone

except messengers of His choice. Then He appoints angel-guards before and behind them

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